All pages
- Adelo Vieira - Curriculum
- Ali
- Alí
- Alí Primera
- Amazon Laptops Dashboard
- Android App
- Android Basics: User Input
- Archivo - Discursos - Debates - Frases
- Arquitectura
- Automatic backup in the cloud using shell scripting
- Bachelor of Science in IT at CCT
- Basic R tutorial
- Big Data Integration
- C
- CV
- CV1
- CV - Courses
- CV - Education
- CV - Honors and awards
- CV - Interests
- CV - Languages
- CV - Publications
- CV - Skills and Qualifications
- CV - Skills and Qualifications 1
- CV - Work experience
- C language
- Calculus
- Canciones
- Canciones - Films - Books
- Carrera
- Che
- Chávez
- Ciencia
- Clone of Twitter Web App
- Clone of Twitter Website
- Cloud Computing
- Collaborative and Remote development
- Composición
- Computación
- Computational Modeling of Social and Political Systems
- Computer Science and IT
- Cordova - PhoneGap
- Cristianismo
- Dash - Plotly
- Data Analysis Dashboard for Amazon customer reviews
- Data Dashboard for Amazon Laptop Reviews
- Data Mining - Machine Learning
- Data Science
- Data Structures & Algorithms
- Data Visualization with Python
- Data analysis
- Data analysis - Machine Learning - AI
- Data science
- Database design
- Databases
- Desktop
- Developing a Web Dashboard for analyzing Amazon's Laptop sales data
- Diploma in Predictive Data Analytics
- Discursos
- Discursos - Debates
- Discursos - Debates - Frases
- Django
- Docker
- Documentación
- Entrevista
- Evaluating Supervised Learning Algorithms for Fake News Detection
- Excelentes diseños de WebSites
- Facundo
- Fake news detection on social media - A data mining perspective
- FastAPI
- Fidel
- Fidel Castro
- Filosofía
- Flamenco
- Formal, Natural/Pure and Applied sciences
- Formal, Natural and Applied sciences
- Formal Natural and Applied sciences
- Geofísica
- Geophysics
- Geopolitics
- GitHub
- Google Cloud
- Guitarra
- Guitarra - Bajo
- HTML presentation with Reveal.js
- HTTP REST APIs with Node.js - Express.js
- Help MediaWiki
- Historia
- Homo sapiens
- Hugo Chávez
- Independencia de Venezuela
- Integration and automation of business apps
- Interactive Web Applications
- Ionic and Capacitor
- Islam
- Java
- JavaScript
- Java Desktop App - Stock Market Simulator
- Java Desktop App - Zoo Management System
- Java GUI Programming
- Java Stock Market Simulator
- Job application email
- Job search
- Judaísmo
- La Revolución Cubana
- La Revolución Rusa
- La Révolution Cubana
- La Révolution Française
- Lenguaje C
- Library Management System
- Lideres
- Linux
- Literatura
- ML Songwriting
- Machine Learning
- Machine Learning Web Application using Python, Flask and React
- Manim
- Marx
- Mathematics
- Meditation
- Mi Computadora - Phone
- Mi computadora
- Mis proyectos
- Mis páginas
- Mobile Development
- Modelado sísmico
- Modern React with Redux
- Mohamed Ali
- Moi
- Multi-Paradigm Programming and Scripting
- My MediaWiki help
- My projects portfolio
- Música
- Música-Cine
- Natural Language Processing
- Network Simulation using PacketTracer
- Networking
- Node.js - Express.js
- NumPy and Pandas
- Object-Oriented Concepts and Constructs
- Object Orientation with Design Patterns
- Object Oriented Constructs
- OpenAI - ChatGPT
- Operating Systems
- Origin and evolution of Homo sapiens
- Origin and evolution of Humans
- Paper: Fake news detection on social media - A data mining perspective
- Physics
- Política-Historia
- PostgreSQL
- Power BI
- Programación
- Programming and Software Development
- Projet:Jeu vidéo/Modèle Cadre
- Projet:Jeu vidéo/Modèle Cadre/Documentation
- Prueba CV
- Pure and Applied sciences
- PyTorch
- Python
- Python for Data Science
- Página base
- Página de pruebas
- Página principal
- Páginas para buscar trabajo - Contactos
- R Programming
- Rails
- RapidMiner
- React
- React 2
- Remote development
- Ruby on Rails
- Rubén
- Rubén Blades
- Running
- Salsa
- Seismic Wave Propagation Modelling
- Sentiment Analysis Web Dashboard for online retailer reviews
- Shell Scripting
- Silvio
- Silvio Rodríguez
- Sitios web
- Skills and Qualifications
- Social Media Sentiment Analysis using Twitter Data
- Social sciences
- Social sciences and Humanities
- Statistics for Data Science
- Supervised Machine Learning Models for Fake News Detection
- Supervised Machine Learning for Fake News Detection
- Systems Analysis & Design
- TensorFlow
- Text Analytics
- Text Analytics in Python
- The big bang theory
- The history of understanding the mystery of Matter
- The origin and evolution of Homo sapiens
- The origin and formation of the Universe, the Solar System, and the Earth
- Timeline
- Trabajo
- Trading
- Traveling
- Universal design
- Venezuela
- Video management
- Videos
- Visual Studio Code
- Web App - Clone of Twitter
- Web App - Library Management System
- Web Development
- Web mapping
- Web server
- Workato
- Zoo Management System