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Adelo Vieira - IT Professional


College of Computing Technology (CCT), Dublin

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (Level 7)

  • Final year project: Supervised Machine Learning Models for Fake News Detection.
To know more about this project, visit Supervised_Machine_Learning_for_Fake_News_Detection


Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University, France

Master – Complementary computer studies (Level 8)

  • Specialty: Distributed information systems and networks.
  • Final year study project: Design and Administration of a Wiki Web Application.


Simón Bolívar University, Venezuela

MSc in Earth sciences (Level 9)

  • Specialty: Geosciences applied to petroleum.
  • Master thesis project (Excellence Honor Mention): Study ofPull up/Push downeffectsthrough seismic modelling, colombian plains.


Simón Bolívar University, Venezuela

Geophysical Engineer (Level 8)

  • Specialty: Geosciences applied to petroleum.
  • Bachelor thesis project: Basic modelling of pre-stacked seismic data and its processingsequence, usingSeismic Unix package.