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WikiVox is a nonprofit organization whose goal is to create a website (a wiki) for the debate of social and political problems. They want to create a discussion method capable to generate, at some point in the debate, an article with precise suggestions, in order to contribute to the solution to the problem.
WikiVox is a nonprofit organization whose goal is to create a website (a wiki) for the debate of social and political problems. They want to create a discussion method capable to generate, at some point in the debate, an article with precise suggestions, in order to contribute to the solution to the problem.
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* An extension to uploading files.
* An extension to uploading files.
* And many others.
* And many others.

Revision as of 23:51, 27 February 2021



IDG Direct, Ireland

Business Development Executive

  • This is a pre-sales role. I represent IDG services by making professional outgoing calls to prospective clients. I have to establish and maintain a professional conversation with IT Managers to identify their needs and next investments. The gathered information is required from our clients (Largest Tech Companies) and used in the next step of the sales process.

  • My responsibilities include: Lead Generations, Gathering client details and Maintaining/Updating IDG database with accurate client details.
  • I work in different markets and contact clients in French, English and Spanish: France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Spain, Middle East and Africa.
  • In this position, I have improved my communication skills in French and English. I have learned how to build and maintain a professional relationship with clients and improved my Active Listening Skills.
  • At IDG, I have completed a Certified Sales training. This course addressed the most important aspects of the sales process.


WikiVox, France

Web Programmer

  • I was responsible for the installation and administration of a Wiki Web Application based on the MediaWiki engine.

  • Extensive experience with the MediaWiki Engine:
  • Configuration of a Multilingual Wiki.
  • User access levels configuration.
  • Implementation of different CAPTCHA methods.
  • Implementation of a payment gateway.
  • Page categorization.
  • Take a look at my personal Wiki: http://wiki.sinfronteras.ws
  • Administration of a Linux Server:
  • Installation and configuration of a LAMP stack: Apache, MySQL, PHP.
  • Database management:
  • MySQL, PhpMyAdmin.

WikiVox is a nonprofit organization whose goal is to create a website (a wiki) for the debate of social and political problems. They want to create a discussion method capable to generate, at some point in the debate, an article with precise suggestions, in order to contribute to the solution to the problem.

It was a very nice experience. I liked very much the philosophy of the project.

and I think that working in a small organization was positive at this point in my career Because I had responsibilities that I am sure I would not have had in a big company; that's why I think that I learned a lot from them.

And my technical work was to design the website. For this, we used free software (Wikipedia Software).

So, specifically, I had to administrate a Linux Web server (to create a database, to install programs). I had to program in PHP. I had to install and configure many extensions to meet the requirements of the project:

  • We had to install a LanguageSelector and translate the content into 5 languages: French, English, Spanish, German and Arabic.
  • We had to install an extension to make donations (I mean to pay online). The payment gateway for implementing a donation service.
  • An extension to categorize pages.
  • An extension to uploading files.
  • And many others.



Simón Bolívar University - Funindes USB, Venezuela

Research geophysicist of the Parallel and Distributed Systems Group (GRyDs)

Click here to see some examples of my work in Seismic modelling.

  • As a Research Geophysicist, I was responsible for performing a set of signal analysis (seismic processing) tasks and ensuring the correct integration and implementation of geophysical applications into a computer cluster platform. This platform was being designed in order to facilitate task scheduling and run computation-intensive tasks on clusters. One of my main activities was shell script programming for Seismic Modeling and Processing.

  • My responsibilities include:
  • Shell script / MATLAB programming for signal analysis (seismic data processing and modeling).
  • Simulations of seismic waves propagation: Wavefront and ray tracing.
  • Generation of pre-stacked synthetic seismic data using wave propagation theories (raytracing and finite difference methods).
  • 2D/3D Seismic data processing:
  • Deconvolution
  • Auto-correlation, Cross-correlation
  • Analysis of signal noise reduction: time/frequency domain transforms
  • Task automation using Shell scripting.

Task automation using Shell scripting: Here I could mention the generation of images to create seismic waves propagation videos or the automatic generation of pdf reports using latex that contained details about the executed process: time vs. the features of the data generated (the amount of data generated).

I have skills in Matlab, Scilab and Shell scripting acquired during my participation in an R&D Unit at Simón Bolívar University (The Parallel and Distributed Systems Group - GryDs).



CGGVeritas, Venezuela

Seismic data processing analyst

  • Demultiplexing, Reformatting (SEG -Y/SEG -D).
  • Seismic data edition: Searchin for noisy, monofrequency and incorrect polarities traces.
  • Geometrical spreading correction. Set-up of field geometry.
  • Geometry QC.
  • Application of field statics corrections, Deconvolution, trace balancing.
  • CMP sorting, Velocity analysis, Residual statics corrections.
  • NMO Correction, Muting, Stacking, Filtering.
  • Filtering: Time-variant, band-pass.
  • Post-stack/Pre-stack time and depth migration.



Simón Bolívar University, Venezuela

Academic Assistant - Earth Sciences Department

  • As a Academic Assistant, I was in charge of collaborating with the lecture by teaching some modules of the Geophysical Engineering program at Simón Bolívar University. I was usually in charge of a group between 20 and 30 students during theoretical and practical activities.

  • This experience has contributed to my professional development in two major areas:
  • By teaching modules, I have solidified many technical geophysical knowledge.
  • I have also developed communication and presentation skills, as well as the leadership strategies needed to manage a group of students and to transfer knowledge effectively.

  • Courses taught:
  • Seismic data processing: Concepts of discrete signal analysis, sampling, aliasing and discrete Fourier transform. Conventional seismic data processing sequence.
  • Seismic methods: The convolutional model of the seismic trace. Propagation and attenuation of seismic waves. Interpretation of seismic sections.
  • Seismic reservoir characterization: Relations between the acoustic impedance and the petrophysical parameters. Well-Seismic Ties. Seismic inversion and AVO.

I have three years of experience as an academic assistant in the courses of Seismic Processing, Seismic Reservoir Characterization, and Seismic Methods.

During my experience as an academic assistant, I have solidified my knowledge of the theoretical basis of seismic processing. In particular, all the technical concepts that are required for this position, such as Seismic velocity analysis, Multiples, Surface statistics correction, Noise attenuation, and Imaging.

During my experience as a teacher assistant, I was assigned three times to teach the Seismic data processing course. My work was to give theoretical and practical lessons. The theoretical part was focused on signal theory: Concepts of discrete signal analysis, sampling, aliasing, and discrete Fourier transform, and all the theoretical aspects of each stage of a conventional seismic processing sequence. And in the practical part, the students had to process a 2D seismic data set. We used the Seismic Unix software. It's a free software developed for the Colorado School of Mines.

I was the assistant of the teacher in charge. But I was responsible for a large part of the course since I have participated three times in this course.