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Docker hub:

Docker is a popular open-source platform for building, shipping, and running applications in containers. Containers are lightweight and portable environments that allow you to run applications and services with their dependencies isolated from the underlying host system.

Using Docker, developers can create containerized applications, package them with all the necessary dependencies, and ship them as a single unit that can be deployed on any system that supports Docker. Docker also provides a way to manage containerized applications at scale, with features such as container orchestration, automated builds, and version control.

Some of the benefits of using Docker include improved application portability, faster development cycles, and better resource utilization. With Docker, developers can focus on building and testing applications, while operations teams can easily deploy and manage them across different environments and infrastructure. [ChatGPT]


Last time I installed Docker and Docker Compose, I follwed ChatGPT and everything was perfect!

The official documentation to install it in Ubuntu is here:

Why use Docker

  • Capture all dependencies as code:
  • Python requerements
  • OS dependencies.
  • Consistent dev and prod environment: You can use the same image for development and production. So you eliminate all the issues that can arrive when changing to another environment in production.
  • Easier collaboration: When you share your code with other developers you can be sure it will work. You eliminate all dependencies issues in another developer's machines.
  • Different version of Python / Different version of databases / Different version of SDK.

Docker basics

  • Docker images are static snapshots or templates of a specific environment that are used to create and run Docker containers
docker --version

Download Docker images from

docker pull postgres

Create a new Docker container

docker run postgres

Show all the containers in our machine:

docker ps
docker ps -a

We should be able to see the Postgres container running.

Output of the docker pa -a command

Stop/Start a container:

docker start c6f7dfc1a4c8

Please note that the run command is used to create a new Docker container while the start command is used to run an existing container.

Remove a container:

docker rm c6f7dfc1a4c8

Please note that before you can remove a Docker container, you must stop it.

Remove a Docker image:


Please note that before you can remove a Docker image, you must stop and remove all its associated containers.