Mobile Development
Device Considerations
Will you be developing for multiple platforms?
- Android
- iOS
- Windows 10 Mobile
- Blackberry 10
- Firefox OS
- Sailfish OS
- Tizen
- Ubuntu Touch
- CynaogenOS
- Depending on the device, the specifications of hardware can be very different
- Some devices may not have certain components
- Vintage of components, such as processors and busses will make a difference to the chosen route
- What programming languages are supported natively by the device?
- What language suits what you want to do best?
- Do you need a combination of languages for collaborative tasks?
Form factor
- Most platforms/OSes run on multiple devices, some more than others
- Can your application be utilised on all form factors regardless of screen/size?
Native vs Hybrid Frameworks
Native Application Frameworks
Native application frameworks allow developers to access the native platform/OS API directly through code and develop their applications directly to the platform standards and practices
- Pros:
- Without other intermediate layers, this provides the best application per device in terms of performance
- There is no third-party dependence on access to updates and bug fixes
- Cons:
- As a native application is written and compiled for a specific platform/OS, deployment on another platform typically requires the maintenance of a totally separate project for each of the supported platforms.
- How the application is distributed can be different for each platform, requiring the maintenance of a separate distribution channel per platform
Hybrid Frameworks
Web-based frameworks are essentially tools/processes/procedures that allow us to write an application as a website rather than using any native code (e.g. PhoneGap/Cordova)
- Pros:
- Anyone with basic web-development skills (HTML, CSS, JS) can write a decent application.
- There are several frameworks to choose from.
- It is possible to wrap the content in an application or just access it with the built-in browser.
- Applications can be accessible across multiple platforms.
- Cons:
- Going through so many higher-level languages and interpreters makes run-time much slower than a native application
- Each platform has a unique style and mode of operation. This gets lost in a web-based application or, at least, requires a lot of work to make it seem intuitive for each platform.