Big Data Integration

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Module Information

Module Objectives

  • How to implement a cloud based storage solution for a company's big data needs
  • The knowledge needed to integrate desktop and web applications to utilize web services and stored data.
  • How cloud based DNS solutions can help to optimize a company's IT infrastructure
  • How cloud based servers and service implementations can be easily deployed for rapid utilisation
  • The steps involved in data exchange between web services and cloud based applications

Resources - References

  • Programming Amazon EC2, Juirg van Vliet 1st 2011 O’Reilly
  • Google Compute Engine, Marc Cohen 1st 2011 O’Reilly
  • Python for Google App Engine, Massimiliano Pippi 1st 2015 Packet
  • Big Data Fundamentals Concepts, Drivers & Techniques, Thomas Erl, Wajid Khattak, and Paul Buhler, Prentice Hall