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Revision as of 00:56, 27 February 2021

Content overview

  • NumPy and Pandas
  • Python for Data Visualization:
  • Matplotlib, Seaborn, Pandas Built-in-Data Visualization
  • Plotly and Cufflinks
  • Geographical Plotting
  • Linear Regression
  • Cross Validation and Bias-Variance Trade-Off
  • K Nearest Neighbors
  • Decision Tress and Random Forests
  • Support Vector Machines
  • K Means Clustering
  • Principal Component Analysis
  • Recommender Systems
  • Natural Language Processing
  • .

  • AWS Academy - Cloud Foundations

Content overview

  • Introduction to AWS Cloud
  • Essential Characteristics of cloud computing, Service Model, Deployment Models
  • AWS Global Infrastructure: Regions, Availability zones, Edge Locations
  • .

  • AWS foundation services:
  • Compute: EC2, AWS Lambda, ECS, Auto Scaling
  • Networking: VPC, Elastic Load Balancer, Route 53
  • Storage: Amazon EBS, Amazon S3, Amazon EFS, Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)

  • AWS Academy - Cloud Architecting

Content overview

  • Designing a cloud environment
  • Designing for High Availability
  • Configuring VPS, Availability zones, NAT Gateway, Route Table, Load Balancer, Auto Scaling Group.
  • Automating your Infrastructure
  • Infrastructure as code
  • AWS CloudFormation Templates
  • .

  • Decoupling your Infrastructure
  • Loose coupling Strategies
  • Designing Web Scale Media
  • Storing Web-Accessible Content with Amazon S3
  • Caching with Amazon CloudFront
  • Storing relational data in Amazon RDS, Managing NoSQL databases
  • Multi-region failover with Amazon Route 53






Content overview

  • Essential tools:
  • Input/output redirection. Grep and Regular Expressions to analyse text
  • Access remote systems using SSH. Configure key-based authentication for SSH. Finding files with Locate and Find
  • Archive and Compress files using tar and gzip. Create hard and soft links
  • Managing Processes: Adjust process priority and kill processes
  • Configure Local Storage:
  • List, Create and Delete partitions on MBR and GPT Disks. Configure systems to mount file systems at Boot
  • Add new partitions, logical volumes and Swap to a System
  • Create and configure File Systems:
  • Create and Mount VFAT, EXT4 and XFS file systems. Mount CIFS and NFS Network File systems
  • Configure network connections statically or dynamically.
  • Schedule tasks using «at» and «cron»
  • Install and update software packages and managing repositories using «yum»
  • Manage users and groups: Create, delete and modify user accounts and groups
  • Configure Firewall settings.